you are my celebrity

Tag: woman

Get Happy with Me at DailyHap!

I teased you guys here, here, here, and here, and it’s finally HERE! is a website designed to create a community of happy people and encourage people to openly, genuinely pursue happiness. It will guide people to Achieving Happiness 1 Day at a Time through a daily action item. It is also my labor of love, my grand adventure, and now that it’s…


Like the shopping sites I’ve mentioned before, new Austin-based non-profit is focused on making life better for global women and children. Only provides collective giving and increased visibility to smaller scale 501c3 projects. By aggregating and consolidating hundreds of women and children focused non-profit projects, Connecther provides a platform for a single donor or a donor…

Compliment or Insult?

Let’s play a little game I like to call Compliment or Insult?… I’m at the gym yesterday doing butterfly pullups and some dude is like, “whoa! what are you doing over there?” I explain that it’s a modification on a pullup for high volume and he looks confused. I ask if he’s ever heard of…


An update on my Wendler 5-3-1 … it was going awesome, until I skipped an entire week of heavy weights while traveling and then attempted new 1-rep maxes. This is apparently a poor choice, as I failed in every single one. The good news is, I now know what it feels like to bail on…


When I first moved to Aspen, I sort of stopped doing pullups. It wasn’t convenient to do them at my gym, in workouts, and I hadn’t yet discovered the most amazing pullup bar in all of Colorado. However, thanks to that discovery I am back on the pullup wagon, and made it my goal to…


14:56. Running around the block, inexact measurement but time was about right. All OHS unbroken. Wanted to blame the altitude on my slowdown in running, but I live here.


I have now gone three times with a friend to boxing class. It’s not class, exactly, it’s usually two or three of us being coached by a former title-winning boxer. I didn’t know what to expect when I first went, it’s not like I’m a huge boxing fan. Sure, I watch the occasional fight when…

Hair I Want

Can someone please teach me how to make my hair do this? I have tried many iterations of the braid, but it never looks this smooth and flawless, blending in seamlessly to the rest of my hair. HELP!