you are my celebrity

Tag: hard

Better-lookin’ jorts

I have a pair of jorts that I’ve had for quite some time. Since my eBay buying phase, when I ordered a pair of Hollisters that were too short for these long legs. Probably early college, let’s call it. They have fit me more or less the same way since then, as my shape may…

Always work really hard

Remember the 85-year-old lady? In today’s episode of Old Lady Wisdom, she called down to me from the top track of the gym: “Young lady! What are you training for?” “Nothing really.” “Well you’re always working really hard. Good for you.” I smiled, thanked her, and went on with my workout. I thought about it…

HCG Diet Day 15

Weighed the same as yesterday. Trying to stay positive, and my mom was really helpful, noting that it seems that my body often loses weight slowly but suddenly, like a week of eating clean and I’ll suddenly be 5 pounds lighter, not gradually over the course of the week. So if I don’t lose any…

I’m giving it all up …

No need to CrossFit, run, bike, play soccer … just go hike up a mountain 2,000 feet (reaching almost 12,000) with an overnight camping pack on your back. Because that’s what I did yesterday and it KICKED MY ASS. According to this article, the White River National Forest Aspen Ranger District says the route is…


I usually only tell you guys the good parts of skiing–that I made it down Ajax on Sunday, that I used bigger skis, that I yard saled but didn’t really hurt myself. What I don’t talk a lot about is the fear I feel a lot MOST of the time skiing. That Ripped Guy of…

Doubling up the Crossfit Fun

I did 6:30pm last night and 6:30am this morning of the free Crossfit Austin workouts … super fun! Remember that this is FREE Crossfit workouts put on by two of my friends, Austin natives, until they open their NEW South Austin Crossfit gym in mid-to-late November. Yay building delays=free workouts! So last night’s workout was…

Ecuador: Montezuma’s Revenge?

Yes, I was enjoying the food. Perhaps a little too much? Yesterday I felt debil –meaning I was bedridden with a debilitating tiredness, stemming probably from dehydration (a factor of the nine hours spent on a bus Sunday … didn’t want to have to pee!). I slept most of yesterday, thought the worst was over, but…