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Tag: garage gym

Back to Nature’s Garage Gym

It’s only mid-March, but Aspen is experiencing an early spring, so it’s back to Nature’s Garage Gym for me! I was NOT feeling working out today, with an intense sunburn from Miami, but I did it anyway (it was the Hap for the day, and how can I not do that?) I ran down the Rio…

Outdoor .com workout

How lucky am I? This workout came out yesterday: SUNDAY 110515 Three rounds for time of: 95 pound Front squat, 21 reps Handstand walk 40 feet 30 Glute-ham sit-ups Handstand walk 40 feet I took it outside to Nature’s Garage Gym, where there’s some construction going on right now. Lo and behold, look what I…

The New Nature’s Garage Gym/Gem

We recently moved from ABC, home of Nature’s Garage Gym CrossFit ABC123 to downtown Aspen. I was afraid there’d be no more rock-hoisting, river-hopping, boulder-jumping workouts, but I need not have worried. This IS Aspen, after all. Yesterday, I ran gassers on the rugby field across the street from our new apartment. Particularly interesting as…

Tabata My Arms Off

… or, My Legs Are Too Sore and Bruised To Work Out Any More After a bike ride to and from town, which I will probably repeat tonight as I head in for a cookout and live music show, I hit the dog park and its bright green grass for an arm-heavy tabata workout. After…

WOD: 5s

A WOD from last week: 5 Rounds 5 jumpover burpees (lateral hop across stick) 5-second freestanding handstand hold (hard for me) 5 stick snatches 5 situps 5-10-5 yard sprint drill Time: 7:59 I made this up as a riff off of my new favorite site – Eva T.’s blog, where she posts a quickie, no-equipment-required…

Nature’s Garage Gym Playground

I’ve been Yoga-ing the past two days (at King Yoga and then with Dana from 02, which is currently closed), and really enjoyed it. It’s killer on your shoulders, and my right shoulder is in just enough pain that it MIGHT mean that the rotator cuff isn’t fully healed 🙁 I’ve discovered another fun workout…