you are my celebrity

Put that in your tweet and smoke it

Sometimes, and by sometimes I mean most times lately, Mike likes to keep us guessing on what our workout will be. CrossFitters in Central’s coed classes get tweets the night before so they know what the workout is the next morning, we get nothing. Technically we’re supposed to always do the .com workout, but Mike likes to switch it up, combine them, or have us do completely random shit (I’m looking at you, “conditioning day”). Consequently, I never know what shoes to wear.

Today we warmed up with a row, which negated yesterday’s .com rowing workout as our workout possibility. Then Mike told us to start warming up power cleans. “How much?” 3 sets. “Of how much weight?” Whatever you think. Helpful, that guy is. Mike started to complain about my shoes (running) and I explained that I liked these for doubleunders (in today’s .com workout, which we didn’t do either), since they are my squishy shoes.

I start taking them off to clean barefoot and Zach Thiel goes, “You are an example of why women’s rights were a bad idea.” I throw my shoe at him.

“Put that in your tweet and smoke it!” he yells.

ZT is one of my favorite people in the entire world. He was being sarcastic (mostly), and it was very funny. Some people on twitter didn’t quite get that … but now I have put it in my blog too, so there.

Back to the working out (now barefoot), we were supposed to do something around 80% of our max or our body weight, max effort for 3 minutes. I loaded up the 135# (although, erm, I’m not sure what my max is, I know, bad CrossFitter!), warmed up with 7 or so, and was ready to go. Clock starts. Whip out two cleans. Then fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. For almost a whole minute, at which point I decide I am losing the point of the workout and drop weight, finishing with 18 reps in the last two minutes at 115#. Bummer.

Then we get the mini metcon (like max effort heavy cleans isn’t) of 3 Rounds: 50 doubleunders / 25 pullups. My time: 11:03. 1 ripped palm. Stringing doubleunders together better, but still not well. Pullups felt really, really strong, until the rip. Damn I need to get stronger.

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