you are my celebrity


Today’s task on is to write about something important to you, based on new research that reflecting on your values might help you lose weight. As a writer, part of me is like, eh, I don’t need to do that, I always write about stuff that’s important to me. And if the research is indeed true I should weigh nothing …

But given that I created that task, I should probably go ahead and do it. 🙂 Value: relationships with others.

When my best friend died in 2007, I focused all of my energy on forging solid friendships with new people. It was partially an attempt to fill the hole he left, but mostly a recognition of how important our friendship was to me, in shaping me, and that’s what I wanted to get back to by making strong new friendships.

Since 2007, I assembled an amazing, outstanding, incredible group of friends I cannot speak highly enough of, but moved to Aspen, leaving them behind. In Aspen I lost sight of that value, focusing on work and my romantic relationship. As both crumbled around me, I began to realize how large a toll my shift in focus (had I just forgotten?) had taken on me, rendering me lonely and less me-like.

However, as soon as I re-focused on forming amazing friendships, girlfriends appeared seemingly out of the woodwork. A few short months later, I feel close and connected to new friends. I value friendship so much, and I do not ever want to lose sight of that again.

Back to the fitness focus: will this writing make me lose the average of 3.41 pounds? I don’t know, but at least it will always be here to remind me to value my relationships with others!

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