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Tag: WODs

South Central Regionals Envy

All my friends are here. I’m having a great time at Food & Wine in Aspen, so I’m not exactly complaining, just having a little Regionals envy. There’s nothing more fun than cheering your friends on with more of your friends. I’m watching twitter and the games site lookin’ for updates on my fave people.…

Row, row, row your boat

I often scour CrossFit box websites to find good workouts, but rarely do I read about a workout another gym did and think to myself, oooh, I’ve gotta tackle that one. It’s usually tough workouts I wouldn’t program for myself, or creative combos I hadn’t thought of. Basically, I’m not emailing myself 21-15-9 workouts. Programming for…

CrossFit Games 11.2-.4

Oh, hello, we haven’t talked about The CrossFit Open Sectionals in awhile, have we? In light of yesterday’s announcement, let’s talk. Here’s WOD 1, known by the cool kids as 11.1. 11.2: AMRAP 15 minutes: 9 DL (100#), 12 pushups with release, 15 box jumps (21″). I filmed on my own. It still hasn’t been…

WOD: 5s

A WOD from last week: 5 Rounds 5 jumpover burpees (lateral hop across stick) 5-second freestanding handstand hold (hard for me) 5 stick snatches 5 situps 5-10-5 yard sprint drill Time: 7:59 I made this up as a riff off of my new favorite site – Eva T.’s blog, where she posts a quickie, no-equipment-required…

Sectional WODs

Announced here: WOD 1 (Saturday, 9am) “Dead Man’s Row” In 12 minutes, complete: 2K Row + Max Reps Deadlift (275/185lbs) <–vom on the row; yay on the DL Score = Row time – (Deadlift Reps x 5 seconds) WOD 2 (Saturday, 1pm) “Mabry Medley” 3 Rounds of (12 min cap): Males 4 Handstand Push-ups…