you are my celebrity

Tag: wendler


CrossFit Workout: 100 Thrusters for Time. Maximum pain in the minimum amount of time. Me: 12:10 at 75#, the soreness kicked in before the reps were even done. The personal trainer next to me watched me complete my reps and said, “I wanna be like you when I grow up.” He’s older than me. Today,…

Better-lookin’ jorts

I have a pair of jorts that I’ve had for quite some time. Since my eBay buying phase, when I ordered a pair of Hollisters that were too short for these long legs. Probably early college, let’s call it. They have fit me more or less the same way since then, as my shape may…


An update on my Wendler 5-3-1 … it was going awesome, until I skipped an entire week of heavy weights while traveling and then attempted new 1-rep maxes. This is apparently a poor choice, as I failed in every single one. The good news is, I now know what it feels like to bail on…

Wendler 531

I’m doing it! Just finished week 1. Pretty excited about it. Still yoga-ing a lot too. I think they work well together. Hit it hard, stretch it hard? Also funny: how this article: i-heart-powerlifting-and-im-not-bulky-or-masculine went totally viral in a day. CrossFitting women all love powerlifting. I love powerlifting too. What was it about this particular article or…