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Tag: weights

Therapy | Feel Good Friday 032516

The best therapy. Banging heavy weights. Snatch, deadlift, power clean. Squat, lunge, press. New job has me doing this less, and I didn’t know how much I needed it until I wasn’t doing it. And I got grouchy. REAL grouchy. Apologies to everyone who ever interacted with me over the past couple of weeks. I’m…

Olympic Weightlifting with Chad & Christi

Last week, I got to attend a Chad Vaughn weightlifting class at Crossfit Austin. Here’s his bio: Chad Vaughn is a renowned Olympic Weightlifter. He is a 2-time Olympian, 6-time National Champion, and the American Record Holder in the Clean and Jerk. Chad has been involved in CrossFit for the past year, and is CrossFit…

“Have Fun With Your Rocks”

As I’m setting up Nature’s Garage Gym for my daily WOD, along comes a man walking his dog. Given that I’m 20 feet below the trail on the riverbank, this is sort of surprising, but then, it’s Aspen, and everyone like mini-adventures. I’m toting a flat, 16″x8″ rock, about 30#, overhead, hopping on different rocks,…

Aspen: Gym Breakdown

Even though I love CrossFitting in Nature’s Garage Gym and doing HIIT sprints at the dog park , there are times when I want nothing more than to pick up some heavy weights or swing some kettlebells. Potentially around some sweaty, grunting men. While I was in Aspen over the winter, I worked out at…

Raaaaar Strength in THE GYM!!

I lifted heavy weights today! Still don’t have a gym membership, but scoped out one of the gyms in town and got in an all strength workout today. LOVE. Agilities 3 x 5 Snatch 45 / 65 / 85 3 x 5 Power clean 85 / 105 / 125 3 x 5 Back Squat 135…

More Free CrossFit Workouts

But this time at CrossFit Central: The initial free workout offerings FILLED UP ALREADY, this is nine 30-person classes, so they opened  up three more to new clients only: A New Free Workout Time Slot has opened for New Clients. If you are new to CrossFit Central or have never been to a program –…

Gold’s Gym

I love going to the gym. So just know that before you read any further. Corporate gyms–and big corporations in general–get a bad rap in Austin, but I think there are some real benefits to chains like Gold’s and the like. In fact, I love Gold’s Gym. And here’s why … … Tons of locations.…