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Tag: skinny

Riding that Riding Train … what? On spinning.

Why is it that when lifters want to get lean or even just skinny, they start spinning? Cardio? But what specifically about spinning makes it better cardio than anything else? I don’t know. But will tell you that I. Hate. Spin. But I have been going consistently, and, well, it works. If you wanna be…


Hey, you know what I’m grateful for? Abs. Abs are a THING for me—this long-standing goal, this pursuit of perfection, this symbol of a better life. It came to a frenetic finale as my quest for abs went public, with Cali and I proclaiming that we’d have abzzzzz for Puerto Rico. We procrastinated on the…

Body Image and Beauty Within

We talk a lot around the CrossFit gyms about changing the definition of beauty. “Strong Not Skinny” or “Strong is the New Skinny” are mantras and t-shirt slogans in this culture. But sometimes even that more positive spin on the ideal body is missing the point: there isn’t an ideal body. Beauty isn’t one way…