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Tag: report

HCG Diet Day 11

I weighed in two pounds up this morning. Now, in the original HCG study published by Dr. A. T. W. Simeons (click here to read the whole study, you can bet I did), he cautions that endurance exercise may cause temporary weight gain due to water retention: Finally, the weight can temporarily increase – paradoxical…

HCG Diet Day 8

Breakfast (at 2p, old habits die hard): cauliflower rice, kale, ground beef + packaged tuna 3.5 ounces Snack: apple Gym: weight the same as yesterday. Did a CrossFit OneWorld workout: 21-15-9 155# deadlift, 40# kb swing, with 100 single unders between rounds. 10:11. Tired afterward. Dinner: whole raw yellow squash, ate it like a banana.…