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Tag: rain

When it rains … | Feel Good Friday 050319

When it rains it doesn’t always rain?? I know that’s not the saying, but “when it rains, it pours” isn’t right for this feeling … it’s not exactly pouring, and the forecast this week in Austin has been for rain all week though very little has actually shown up. That feels a bit like my…

Rain | 051515

I love the rain. I love the contrast to the sunny California days, I love the excuse to snuggle up with a good book or a thousand TV shows, I love the feeling of rain on my body. I LOVE the rain on the beach. It’s been a rainy few days in Newport, and I couldn’t…

Hip Hop Abs

Let me tell you a story about a girl who was having a little trouble with motivation … it was raining, her knee hurt, her shoulders were sore from rock manmakers, That Ripped Guy of Hers(TM) took her dog Nali for a hike, there was just no reason to work out. So she decided she’d…


I’ve been mulling over buying a scooter. We all know I’ve tried to be eco-friendly, but the biking was more funny that practical. Plus, for a fashionable gal, it’s just not practical in the summer heat–I can’t show up everywhere with helmet-hair and sweat stains! Perhaps a Vespa would keep me cooler …  But alas,…