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Tag: pullups

Back to Nature’s Garage Gym

It’s only mid-March, but Aspen is experiencing an early spring, so it’s back to Nature’s Garage Gym for me! I was NOT feeling working out today, with an intense sunburn from Miami, but I did it anyway (it was the Hap for the day, and how can I not do that?) I ran down the Rio…

Compliment or Insult?

Let’s play a little game I like to call Compliment or Insult?… I’m at the gym yesterday doing butterfly pullups and some dude is like, “whoa! what are you doing over there?” I explain that it’s a modification on a pullup for high volume and he looks confused. I ask if he’s ever heard of…


When I first moved to Aspen, I sort of stopped doing pullups. It wasn’t convenient to do them at my gym, in workouts, and I hadn’t yet discovered the most amazing pullup bar in all of Colorado. However, thanks to that discovery I am back on the pullup wagon, and made it my goal to…

Butcher Challenge Pics!

Saturday morning’s Butcher Challenge was awesome! Team Fresh Meat! It IS the Butcher Challenge, after all. My favorite workout buddy!! How fun is this workout?! (sorry Joey, you had to push and do burpees … boo) And, good news, I got all my pullups and hit my previous snatch PR of 95# … so snatching…

SicFit!! Round 2: The Tale of Ripped Hands

I’ve railed against and railed against and railed against ripping your hands just to do pullups. It’s an injury, it’s not worth it, and it puts you out of commission for days. BUT today I ripped. And not just a little. Anywhere I didn’t tape, I ripped. I stopped every time I felt a blister…

Primo Chalk!

Austinite CrossFitter and Olympic lifter Jeremy Brooks has created a new kind of chalk called PrimoChalk. As someone who constantly battles ripped hands, I am intrigued … especially because I am still a girl and I like things that say they contain essential oils. They say: “In PrimoChalk™ we’ve combined quality magnesium carbonate with a…

Pullups and Deadlifts

After a weekend off of CrossFit in which I did some 1-ton truck pushing, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, and ate and drank copious amounts (thanks to Soon-to-Be-CrossFit-Guy‘s appearance), I was stoked to get back into the gym. The workout: Warmup: 500 M row, 30 squats, 30 pushups, 30 abmat situps, 30 good morning stretches, 15…

I found my people … with egos

When you’re traveling, hitting a new CrossFit is a special treat: you get to do movements you know but with entirely different warm-ups and cool-downs and atmospheres and progressions and people. It’s awesome. I arrived at Roaring Fork CrossFit (in Basalt, about 25 mins from my home base in Aspen) 10 minutes late–Texans don’t drive…

Doubling up the Crossfit Fun

I did 6:30pm last night and 6:30am this morning of the free Crossfit Austin workouts … super fun! Remember that this is FREE Crossfit workouts put on by two of my friends, Austin natives, until they open their NEW South Austin Crossfit gym in mid-to-late November. Yay building delays=free workouts! So last night’s workout was…