you are my celebrity

Tag: motivation

“I just have a few more pushups to do”

I love the gym so much. Last night, I’m doing a barbell complex over on the Olympic rack when this happens: “Oh hey, what’s up?” I don’t look over, unsure if he’s talking to me, sure I don’t want to talk to him. “Yeah, man, I’m just at the gym. Lifting some weights. Heavy weights.”…

Compliment or Insult: Bar Edition

Today, let’s take Compliment or Insult outside of the fabled Aspen Club gym and into a little basement bar we like to call Escobar. It’s where Brooke Mueller got arrested with like five ounces of cocaine “for her friends.” It’s a Tuesday night, and Nappy Roots has sold out Belly Up with $15 tickets. I am…

Compliment or Insult: Where’s the Bigger Weight?

Welcome to this edition of my very favorite gym game, Compliment or Insult. Scene: Aspen Club Strength Workout: 3-3-3 Deadlift, with the 3rd lift at 245# Man: staring at me from the cardio deck above the weightroom floor. Possibly from a treadmill. Burn Workout: 5 Rounds: 5 DL @ 115# / 10 pushups Man: “Where’s…

Better-lookin’ jorts

I have a pair of jorts that I’ve had for quite some time. Since my eBay buying phase, when I ordered a pair of Hollisters that were too short for these long legs. Probably early college, let’s call it. They have fit me more or less the same way since then, as my shape may…

Hiking motivation

I’m obsessed with pinterest, and there are tons of different ways to use it. I’m not super into motivational posters, but a lot of the pinners are. I was surprised to find myself chanting this in my head during my hike today… I do not actually enjoy hiking. Everyone in Aspen does, so I have…

Thank Yourself

Yoga wisdom from today: after class, notice how you feel. You created that with your hard work. Thank yourself for creating that feeling. This can be applied to anything. Any hard workout, task you didn’t want to complete, hard thing you’ve done: YOU did it. You created the result. Thank Yourself.


14:56. Running around the block, inexact measurement but time was about right. All OHS unbroken. Wanted to blame the altitude on my slowdown in running, but I live here.

Sun’s Out Guns Out: 4 Tanks You Need

As it’s officially summer, sun’s out guns out! Four tanks you must have: I have not stopped wearing this since I got it … literally. REALLY flattering cut, great design, love the company (Stronger Faster Healthier), enter promo code lifein for 10% off! $20, I LOVE these inspirational tees with the slogan written backward so you can…