you are my celebrity

Tag: make

Eggplant sweet potato lasagna

I had an eggplant sweet potato lasagna at a restaurant and thought to myself, “why didn’t I think of that?” But I promptly forgot about it, until I read a recipe for it in a magazine. I tore out the page, magneted it to my refrigerator, and then didn’t follow it at all. Y’all already…

Hiking Poles! and my workout

I promised somewhere (twitter? my blog? I don’t know) that I’d talk more about how awesome hiking/trekking poles are and how I’m pretty sure they are the only way I made it down Mount Massive a few weekends ago. Here’s an article detailing the science behind why you need hiking poles (I wrote it). And…

SXSW 2009 – Friday’s Schedule

The biggest two days of your partying life are here. Behold: the Friday of SXSW. Last year, I remember simply giving up on the spreadsheet and wandering the streets, knowing that free food and drinks were available at almost every bar I walked into. But! Don’t give up just yet, because there are some can’t-miss…

Makers and Wakers and Fat Tires, oh my!

So it’s a big weekend, like you didn’t know (um, hello Texas vs. Missouri). But in case you missed the, well, boat on three majorly huge weekend-long events, here’s a rundown: Maker Faire – Saturday & Sunday So the Maker Faire expo thingy is a big crafty, makery, nerdy, trendy, roboty shindig. At the Travis…