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Tag: garage

SicFit!! Round 2: The Tale of Ripped Hands

I’ve railed against and railed against and railed against ripping your hands just to do pullups. It’s an injury, it’s not worth it, and it puts you out of commission for days. BUT today I ripped. And not just a little. Anywhere I didn’t tape, I ripped. I stopped every time I felt a blister…


I am proud to say that a) I did not die in my first CrossFit workout back in the Texas heat in the middle of the day in an un-air-conditioned garage. 101 degrees, “feels like 106,” says b) our “dynamic warmup” was laying down the horse mats that become the gym floor. This is…

Aspen: Gym Breakdown

Even though I love CrossFitting in Nature’s Garage Gym and doing HIIT sprints at the dog park , there are times when I want nothing more than to pick up some heavy weights or swing some kettlebells. Potentially around some sweaty, grunting men. While I was in Aspen over the winter, I worked out at…

It’s HOT! My legs AND the temp

You know you’ve been away from Austin, Texas for far too long already when an 82-degree day feels sweltering. I need to get back to my hometown for a good dose of triple-digit reality. In the meantime, here’s the WOD I’d call the Hot Legs and Abs WOD, because everything in it engages leg and…

SicFit Austin = Love

I hit up SicFit Austin today, only the best garage gym in Austin!! It was so unbelievably fun. It’s what CrossFit is supposed to be–weights, random objects, and you. It’s why I think I can get away with working out outside on the playground or by the river, because it all seems so simple. And…

Aspen: Garage Sale in Willits/Basalt

Like many things in these mountain towns, this garage sale continues to puzzle me. They have awesome professional fliers up all over town advertising this big Garage Sale of all furniture, housewares, bikes, and summer sporting goods (all things the Vermonster and I need), but THERE IS NO TIME ON THE FLIER. I googled the…

15 – 10 – 5 in the SNOW

I cannot get over the fact that it is SNOWING here in Aspen. It’s May 12! The mountains are closed! What is the snow doing here?! Though tempted to use the cold and my inherent desire to be warm as an excuse not to go workout, the thought of seeing my river (yes, it’s mine…

Rock Burpees

I’ve tried to write this post no less than five times, and each time wordpress has somehow deleted it. It’s not even that great! I recorded myself doing one workout, and couldn’t get the film into iMovie (something about being too big). Frustrated, I thought, at least I can show them the blurry (why is it…

Le Garage

La la la every girl in Austin gets so hyped over Le Garage, but the one time I went, I wasn’t overly impressed. It’s this weekend at Palmer and it’s what it sounds like–over 60 Austin boutiques set up booths garage-sale-style and offer their wares at 50% or more discounts. More details: Le Garage Saturday:…