you are my celebrity

Tag: friends

Always On | Feel Good Friday 082721

I hit a breaking point today and thank god for yin yoga at BFree. I’m ambitious and a high performer, a leader and someone who can thrive under pressure. But those characteristics are when I am in a state of on. I am truly, deeply an introvert. I need time by myself, I need time…

Articles of Clothing | Feel Good Friday 061121

So last night, stone cold sober, I shredded some cheese for my steak nachos and I remember thinking it wasn’t as much cheese as I thought it would be, but I cooked them, turned off the kitchen light, ate my nachos and watched my shows… This morning I walk into the kitchen following a TRAIL…

Grace, or is it Patience? | Feel Good Friday 060421

It was but a short week, yet this week has brought me so. many. many. opportunities to practice grace. Yes, you can laugh. But it has! Grace for others, for a situation, for a frustration point … all of which translate back to me, obviously. Grace to myself for how I’m handling something, what it’s…

Pura Vida | Feel Good Friday 050721

Before you go to Costa Rica, you might be a bit cynical like me, thinking pura vida is a marketing slogan or a thing tourists pick up. But it’s not. Somehow those two words actually, adequately represent the embodiment of a country’s ethos. You can use it for hello, goodbye, ok, thank you, you’re welcome,…

FAVORITE THINGS | Feel Good Friday 032621

My new go-to question for men on dating apps is “what’s you favorite thing about this week?” … I can’t say it’s more or less successful than any other opener, but to me it’s a pretty easy question because you can describe something that has already happened OR something that is going to happen ……

Home | Feel Good Friday 121820

When I moved away from Austin, it was noticeable when the airport that felt like home changed: first to Aspen, then to John Wayne. And even when I moved back, it took a bit for ABIA to feel like home. But now it does, again. Still, grateful for my amazing trip to OC to celebrate…

But Saturday | Feel Good Friday 062620

Yesterday, Friday, of the Feel Good variety, was a whirlwind! A super exciting, Lyss is confident and happy and on her game again, whirlwind. The whole week was busy, starting with fun family time last weekend up through a trip to the family homestead in small-town Texas and a visit to San Antonio. I’m super…