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Tag: fair

Convo 51: The Mask and Personal Responsibility

Governor Abbott’s opening of Texas 100% and removal of mask mandate has caused a lot of reaction and opinion across the country. Hell, probably the world. Here’s the official summary of the announcement, and the PDF of the Executive Order. “… Today’s announcement does not abandon safe practices that Texans have mastered over the past…

Texas Wine and Food Festival

The Texas Wine and Food Festival jam-packs a long weekend (Thursday-Sunday) with Texas-centric wine and food like you wouldn’t believe. All of our culinary stars are there (Elmar Prambs, Paul Petersen, Tyson Cole, Monica Pope, the list goes on and on …) and the wine flows like water. Many of the amazing events aren’t particularly…

Last minute micro-lending gift!

Only two more Valentine’s posts, I promise. This one–three last-minute super cheap GIFT IDEAS!–and Sweatin’ with your Sweetheart … 1) MicroPlace, an organization that enables loans to the working poor, is offering a Valentine’s special. You can make an investment in the name of someone dear to you, which enables a loan to an entrepreneur…

Makers and Wakers and Fat Tires, oh my!

So it’s a big weekend, like you didn’t know (um, hello Texas vs. Missouri). But in case you missed the, well, boat on three majorly huge weekend-long events, here’s a rundown: Maker Faire – Saturday & Sunday So the Maker Faire expo thingy is a big crafty, makery, nerdy, trendy, roboty shindig. At the Travis…

Sunday’s Gluten Clash

Presuming Ike doesn’t cancel everything–and that’s a big presumption, since the UT-Arkansas game is already off (though this hoopla continues to amaze me … there’s only a 60% chance of rain tomorrow?!)– this Sunday looks to be a huge Gluten Clash, pitting the gluten-free Got Guts 5K vs. gluten-heavy Italian Festival: Got Guts 5K Run,…