you are my celebrity

Tag: evening

Hello Tyson … free morning and afternoon screening

As if visiting a farm (see previous post) weren’t enough for a fun-filled Friday, the Carver is showing a free screening of Kings of the Evening, a Tyson Beckford-filled flick filmed in Austin! I’ve never been to anything there (though I attended adjacent Kealing Junior High), so I don’t know if you need tickets or…

First Night

I have an existing post with things to do on New Year’s Eve, but after reading this article on First Night, I had to give it its own post. Click here to read. Basically, the giant 32-foot wooden clock tower on Auditorium Shores is for you to pin your resolutions to, and then after fireworks…

Doubling up the Crossfit Fun

I did 6:30pm last night and 6:30am this morning of the free Crossfit Austin workouts … super fun! Remember that this is FREE Crossfit workouts put on by two of my friends, Austin natives, until they open their NEW South Austin Crossfit gym in mid-to-late November. Yay building delays=free workouts! So last night’s workout was…

FREE Crossfit Workouts

So I’m running around Town Lake last night and stumble upon one of my closest friends supervising a Crossfit workout … what?! Oh, you mean I should have read the email I got from you? … Anyway, point is: more free Crossfit workouts–yay! I’ve tried to explain Crossfit before and never been able to. I…