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Tag: eat

Austin: Snap Kitchen Update

Snap Kitchen. Everything about it is so right. The store – you walk in to an airy, all-windowed place with bright green floors, bamboo counters and tables, white plastic chairs, and bright orange accoutrements. There are no walls, save some muddled clear walls defining a main office and registered dietician’s office. That’s right–there’s a full…

Ten Foods to Live

I just returned to Aspen from Austin, and there are a few things I have to buy in Austin that I simply can’t find from Aspen to Glenwood Springs. This time, I brought back hazelnut meal, veggie chips from Central Market/Whole Foods bulk, Perfect Foods Chocolate Raspberry bars, Emergen-C MSM powder, and bulk arrowroot powder.…

Take Back Your Lunch

There’s a new movement starting this Wednesday across the country called “Take Back Your Lunch.” All you have to do is dine with friend in a park or public place to get away from your computer for an hour. Why? Take Back Your Lunch is a part of The Energy Project for Tony Schwartz’s new…

More on why you should eat grassfed beef

For a video interview (peep it here) for, a colleague and I hit up My Fit Foods, who is sponsoring us for two weeks of our Extreme Body Challenge. In Austin, My Fit Foods was quickly a big hit with the CrossFit community but has recently faced some fierce competition from the likes of…

Bona Dea Bread

I like bread a lot. I like whole wheat bread mainly, because I like the richer flavor. I like hearty, dense breads. I like sourdough. I like Ezekiel sprouted grain bread. Much to the chagrin of my notions of eating a low-carb diet because it’s healthy, I find it nearly impossible to give up bread.…

SXSW 2009: Saturday’s Schedule

I’m in Houston for Beer Bike, our biggest, weirdest event where people start boozing at 6am. But here I am at a Keggs ‘n Eggs party, making sure the good people in Austin know what to do today. I would recommend a Venti Starbucks coffee with whisky, but that’s just me. Anyway, the top 5…

A sprouted grain crust pizza!

Whaaaa? In a quick stop at Whole Foods last night I stumbled upon A.C. LaRocco’s Ultra Thin Crust Pizza Sprouted Grain with Old World Veggies. I told my G about it, and he insisted I post pics so he could know what I was talking about. Behold: Sprouted grains are much better for you, higher…

Super Bowl Sunday Game Day Ideas

I love football. I love college football. I love the Super Bowl. I do not care much about the NFL for the other 364 days a year–take away the Oilers and Warren Moon and replace them with what? The Texans? My 8-year-old-self clutching her Super Bowl mug in an XL Oilers t-shirt can’t help but…

Snow Pea Bento Box

I had a lovely day in my Brykerwoods neighborhood! I woke up and took a nice little jaunt with the pup to the Starbucks inside the Randall’s, where I bought a Venti Soymilk Sugar Free Cinnamon Dolce Latte (yes, I’m a pain) to enjoy while I worked on some articles. A few hours later, I…