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Tag: day

Earth Day!

In an effort to prep you for Earth Day tomorrow (Wednesday), here’s a rundown of the places that are offering giveaways, celebrations, and a free workout: H-E-B or Central Market: Swap five plastic bags for a reusable one at any H-E-B or Central Market. H-E-B says it aims to bring in 1.5 million plastic bags…

More Thursday Happs

If you can’t make it out to Westlake for Tidbits, don’t fret: three other Thursday happs should keep you entertained, fed, and liquored up for free. 903Theresea Open House & Art Show 5-9pm: drinks, DJ, art show & giveaway! See two green, mod homes and enjoy free drinks, food–including new Cupcaker L’s Cupcake Cafe–music, and…

SXSW 2009: Saturday’s Schedule

I’m in Houston for Beer Bike, our biggest, weirdest event where people start boozing at 6am. But here I am at a Keggs ‘n Eggs party, making sure the good people in Austin know what to do today. I would recommend a Venti Starbucks coffee with whisky, but that’s just me. Anyway, the top 5…

SXSW 2009 – Friday’s Schedule

The biggest two days of your partying life are here. Behold: the Friday of SXSW. Last year, I remember simply giving up on the spreadsheet and wandering the streets, knowing that free food and drinks were available at almost every bar I walked into. But! Don’t give up just yet, because there are some can’t-miss…

SXSW 2009: Thursday’s Schedule

This is the final “calm” before the storm that is Friday & Saturday. And by calm I mean over 80 FREE parties. Right. So, my top 5 today: 1. Paste Magazine, obvi. Still lovin’ the Magic Hat. Brooklyn Vegan co-sponsors this one. 11:30-7, Radio Room 2. All That Sparkles – Glitter party? Noon-8pm, Malverde (mmm…

SXSW 2009: What to Do Wednesday

Today is the first BIG day of day parties, so cube-dwellers can read along jealously for all the fun everyone else will be enjoying: There are two big day parties, two day parties that will be running all week, and one evening-ish boat party that I recommend today: 1) MAGIC HAT BEER PARTY! Oh, I…

Your Lucky Day: SXSW This, my friends, is all you need for SXSW. It is a spreadsheet of the best parties. The criteria: -Free -Free booze / food / cool stuff There are a million and a half lists out there with free parties. Most focus on music. This is not what I care about. I care about…

Free food today!

Free cupcakes and pancakes! They don’t call it Fat Tuesday for nothing … Sugar Mama’s Bakeshop (home of the most delicious peanut butter cupcake I’ve ever eaten) is celebrating their half birthday–that’s 183 days old–by giving away any baked good in their shop to the first 183 customers. After that, everything is half off! The…

Last minute micro-lending gift!

Only two more Valentine’s posts, I promise. This one–three last-minute super cheap GIFT IDEAS!–and Sweatin’ with your Sweetheart … 1) MicroPlace, an organization that enables loans to the working poor, is offering a Valentine’s special. You can make an investment in the name of someone dear to you, which enables a loan to an entrepreneur…