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Tag: crossfit

A new gym gem

They just keep coming! Today, doing a CrossFit Football workout (5 rounds: 155# max reps back squat / 7 burpee box jumps 20″) at the ritzy gym in Aspen (which is quite the distinction), a trainer at the gym was watching me while training and talking to his client. He has seen me in here…

Around the Fitness Horn: Dang it’s been awhile

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a roundup, but some dang good stuff came out in the past few days. Check it: The always-awesome Sage Burgener takes on CrossFit psychology. Love love love. I’m lucky enough to live in Nature’s Garage Gym, so I get to be outside, playing, and mastering bodyweight exercises, all the…

Lots of Travelin’

I fully intended to write a full post on the Chicago airport gym, but now it swirls around in my head with the other travelin’ gyms and workouts I did, so it will just be one of a list: Chicago: Hilton hotel gym at the airport (you DO have to leave security). Has an Olympic…

“You swing that rope so fast it could cut cheese!”

I just can’t make these things up. Another hilariously awesome comment from another Bleeker Street Gym athlete (these are almost as good as the BMQOTDs used to be … I miss you Big Mike … and my witness Alex): “You swing that rope so fast it could cut cheese!” Is she secretly noting that I am cutting…

My Favorite Places

For an advisory position I’m fulfilling this coming week (more about that later!), I had to list my favorite places. As I sat down with both Austin and Aspen categories, I realized that the majority of my fave places are fitness-and-outdoors-related. No surprise, right? In Aspen: Bleeker Street, King Yoga, Rio Grande Trail, Jimmy’s, and…

South Central Regionals Envy

All my friends are here. I’m having a great time at Food & Wine in Aspen, so I’m not exactly complaining, just having a little Regionals envy. There’s nothing more fun than cheering your friends on with more of your friends. I’m watching twitter and the games site lookin’ for updates on my fave people.…


14:56. Running around the block, inexact measurement but time was about right. All OHS unbroken. Wanted to blame the altitude on my slowdown in running, but I live here.

Sun’s Out Guns Out: 4 Tanks You Need

As it’s officially summer, sun’s out guns out! Four tanks you must have: I have not stopped wearing this since I got it … literally. REALLY flattering cut, great design, love the company (Stronger Faster Healthier), enter promo code lifein for 10% off! $20, I LOVE these inspirational tees with the slogan written backward so you can…

Cardio Quadathalon

Thanks,, for beating me up on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. SUNDAY 110612 “Small” Three rounds for time of: Row 1000 meters 50 Burpees 50 Box jumps, 20″ box Run 800 meters Time = 52:21 Kristan Clever 39:31, Eric Miller 41:43, Rebecca Voigt 44:19, Pam Eamranond 49:45, Katie Hogan 51:29 150 burpees? That’s a workout in itself! … I gave myself permission…