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Tag: crossfit

Feel Good Friday 110912

Feel Good Friday is a roundup of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! It’s Get Sexy Month! Already feeling sexier, and love my girls that are getting sexy with me 🙂 I started my own damn fire.…

3 Training Goals Before 2013

It’s beginning to look a lot like CrossFit … I’ve been out of a regular CrossFit “box” for quite some time, doing outdoor, .com, Football, and Outlaw WODs. I have the motivation and determination that allows me to train by myself, and I like it. But I also miss the community, the competition, and the…


CrossFit Workout: 100 Thrusters for Time. Maximum pain in the minimum amount of time. Me: 12:10 at 75#, the soreness kicked in before the reps were even done. The personal trainer next to me watched me complete my reps and said, “I wanna be like you when I grow up.” He’s older than me. Today,…

Back to Nature’s Garage Gym

It’s only mid-March, but Aspen is experiencing an early spring, so it’s back to Nature’s Garage Gym for me! I was NOT feeling working out today, with an intense sunburn from Miami, but I did it anyway (it was the Hap for the day, and how can I not do that?) I ran down the Rio…

What are those funny-colored plates?

I talked about how excited I was when the Aspen Club got bumper plates. Each plate is a different color for its weight, and I love them. Yesterday, I got a chance to love them for a different reason: humor! A man who was previously using the leg press came up to me as I…

Better-lookin’ jorts

I have a pair of jorts that I’ve had for quite some time. Since my eBay buying phase, when I ordered a pair of Hollisters that were too short for these long legs. Probably early college, let’s call it. They have fit me more or less the same way since then, as my shape may…


CrossFit Central coach and all-around awesome dude Travis Holley has embarked on a year-long project called 365 Days of Strength. Travis shares his infinite knowledge and legit strength WODs on his blog (click here). His words: The purpose of this project is to provide you all with a unique perspective into all things STRENGTH!   I…

Wendler 531

I’m doing it! Just finished week 1. Pretty excited about it. Still yoga-ing a lot too. I think they work well together. Hit it hard, stretch it hard? Also funny: how this article: i-heart-powerlifting-and-im-not-bulky-or-masculine went totally viral in a day. CrossFitting women all love powerlifting. I love powerlifting too. What was it about this particular article or…


When I first moved to Aspen, I sort of stopped doing pullups. It wasn’t convenient to do them at my gym, in workouts, and I hadn’t yet discovered the most amazing pullup bar in all of Colorado. However, thanks to that discovery I am back on the pullup wagon, and made it my goal to…