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Tag: crafting

Write-On! Entryway piece

Dumpster rescue. The perfect skinny entryway piece, with drawers. A repository for keys, dog treats and poop bags, purses, with bins for backpacks and shopping bags underneath. I found it outside my new apartment almost a year ago, and it took me about 7 months to get around to redoing it, but boy was I…

Make Your Own Derby Hat! DIY

The Kentucky Derby is this Saturday! I’m going for a bachelorette party, and we’re also attending Oaks on Friday. So I need two dresses and TWO hats and two fabulous shoes! For the 141st Kentucky Oaks, on Friday, May 1st, the theme is Think Pink in support of Churchill Downs’ official partnerships with Bright Pink and Horses…

Feel Good Friday 010612

Feel Good Friday is a roundup of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me in the first Feel Good Friday of 2012 and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! A new year! I have big plans for 2012, the year of DailyHap (teaser!). Sequined hot…

Make Your Necklaces into Headbands

I went to a tacky sweater party this weekend sans tacky sweater, so I knew I had to do something big to compensate. Out came the ever-useful gold pants and gold blazer, and with the addition of an art deco necklace worn as a headband, I was a smashing Christmas tree topper. You can use…

Austin: Craft Night at Aviary & Legendary Beads

There are trifectas of awesomeness like the upcoming Charlie’s Angels remake with Minka Kelly (who didn’t love Lyla Garrity on Friday Night Lights when she picked bad boy Riggins to love?), then there are trifectas of getting things done, like Austinites Tolly Moseley, Candace Carlisle, and Cory Ryan—three ladies who know how to throw a…

SXSW 2009 – Friday’s Schedule

The biggest two days of your partying life are here. Behold: the Friday of SXSW. Last year, I remember simply giving up on the spreadsheet and wandering the streets, knowing that free food and drinks were available at almost every bar I walked into. But! Don’t give up just yet, because there are some can’t-miss…