you are my celebrity

Tag: costume

Behind the Scenes Celeb: Costume Design

In the summer of 2006, I did costume design for a movie called Growing Out while interning at Shape mag and living in Brentwood—so celeb L.A. of me. ALL those clothes you see? I picked ’em out. Designed them, if you will. The movie I worked on is available on Amazon Instant Video ($1.99) and…

Everyone is Obsessed with Onesies


The internets have spoken. This is what they’ve chosen. I got to pick any onesie from, and I let my fb friends decide (check that madness out below). Nearly as soon as I had ordered it from, my onesie arrived in the mail. It’s too effing hot to wear even a lightweight onesie in…

How to Be a Jellyfish

My jellyfish costume. I don’t have better photos. It’s hard to capture underwater sea creatures in their natural habitat. Halloween is not my favorite costume day. I prefer costume parties, where everyone riffs on a theme—much more fun and creative. But alas, I am not immune to the pressure to dress up as something wild…

Best movie ever: Growing Out

My movie opens today in LA! So I’m a little biased: I did all the costume design for Growing Out, so obviously it’s the best movie ever. But it is a seriously good movie, fun and scary, weird and smart … it’s pretty cool, and worth checking out. (Click here to buy it from amazon…

Settlement Home Garage Sale

Tonight we went to the preview party of the Settlement Home Garage Sale. My parents have been going for something ridiculous like 18 years, my brother and I have been going for at least six. This year, we brought friends and everyone scored some awesome deals. The bro and I bought five dining room chairs…

Happy Birthday Jo’s! + a veggie sandwich update

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s Halloween. I ended up dressing as Sarah Palin … so didn’t want to, but after four different and unrelated people suggested it, in the end I couldn’t resist. Especially since I owned everything needed except the fake glasses, so how much easier can you get? Anyway, plenty of lists exist for…

I’m a Halloweenie

Last year I couldn’t think of anything clever enough, so for Halloween I went as my dog. She’s white with a huge black spot on her eye, so I wore all white, painted a huge black spot on my eye, and wore her collar and leash around my neck (at least people got a kick…

Free Day of Dance!

Ballet Austin FREE “Come Dance! 2008” Celebrating One Year at the Butler Dance Education Center and Community School Dabble in dance this Sunday with demonstrations and classes at the downtown Ballet Austin. From 2pm-6pm, 501 West Third Street (at San Antonio Street). A year ago, over 2,500 people attended Ballet Austin’s Grand Opening Celebration to…