you are my celebrity

Tag: confidence

2020 is the Year of Confidence

Vulnerability breeds confidence, and so it follows that 2020 will be the year of confidence for me. After a long journey through a lot of self-questioning, I’m emerging very comfortable with who I am. Feeling calm, cool, collected. Confident. I may not—definitely do not—know exactly what I want (aka I do not have, er, 2020…

I am Awesome. And Extreme.

Yes, these glasses are my mom’s mirrored aviators from her skiing days. In the ’70s. In Aspen, there are four mountains to ski. One of them, Aspen Highlands, is the locals mountain. It has a place called Highlands Bowl. You have to hike 1,000+ vertical feet to get to it. In ski boots. With your…

Body Image and Beauty Within

We talk a lot around the CrossFit gyms about changing the definition of beauty. “Strong Not Skinny” or “Strong is the New Skinny” are mantras and t-shirt slogans in this culture. But sometimes even that more positive spin on the ideal body is missing the point: there isn’t an ideal body. Beauty isn’t one way…