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Tag: class

Austin: Live Center Stage

I dare you to show me a woman who doesn’t secretly love Center Stage. The movie brings out the inner ballerina in all of us, simultaneously showing the challenges and beauty behind ballet. Plus romance. And rule-breaking. Without Black Swan creepiness and sans toenail shots. Hell, I even love Center Stage 2: Turn It Up,…

Best Free Yoga Class Online

Check it: Kelly Morris: Try a Free Class Founder and director of the Conquering Lion Program, Kelly is a lineage holder in the Gelupka tradition of His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Featured numerous times in the New York Times, New York Magazine, and Yoga Journal as one of NYC’s most influential, sought-after teachers, Kelly teaches many…

Week of Workouts!

When I’m traveling, it can be tough to get in high quality workouts. This week, I’m proud to report that I got in good stuff EVERY DAY!! Tuesday: CrossFit Central WOD from Sectionals “Dead Man’s Row”: 2000M Row + as many as possible deadlifts at 185#. I’m sad to report I rowed 6 seconds slower…

Austin: Grand Opening of Dancers Shape TODAY!

Dancers Shape opens TODAY in the recently completed mixed-use project at 5350 Burnet Road (by the Hat Creek that was the Arby’s), Dancers Shape is founded by former Radio City Rockette and UT Alum Jennifer McCamish, who developed her signature Dancers Shape class, combining modified elements from all forms of exercise that dancers use to maintain their shape…

Salutation Nation

Everyone knows lulu is de rigeur for CrossFitters. But the company actually started for yogis, so it’s MORE apropos that they host Salutation Nation, this Saturday from 9-10am. Like the Nike Human Race with less competing and matching tees, thousands of people across North America will take their asana practice outside for a complimentary class…

So You Think You’re An Elite Athlete?

That’s right, CrossFitters and other people who think they are awesomely fit … there’s a new reality show called I Wanna Be a World Class Athlete! and they’re casting this summer. Sure, you’ll have to trek to get to an audition, but imagine the possibilities! They’re transforming individual competitive and recreational sports players into World…

Rave Yoga After Dark at lululemon THURSDAY

Sorry guys, I never specified the day on this shindig: definitely Thursday night. Wear all black for lululemon’s Yoga After Dark. Starting at 8pm inside the store, there’ll be snacks, drinks, and games until the sun goes down, when the real fun begins (and, let’s not lie, the heat starts to subside just a smidge).…

lululemon Grand Opening Downtown Friday

lululemon is known for soft, silky yoga wear, but they’ve expanded into a lifestyle brand and have been offering free yoga classes in Austin for quite some time. Friday, their new downtown store next to Sparks Cards & Gifts just off the corner of 6th & Lamar finally opens!! There are free classes this weekend,…