you are my celebrity

Seven days of yoga

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the last week of yoga boot camp with Ashley Turner was absolutely phenomenal (5 days yoga boot camp + 2 days of Vinyasa flow). I can’t say it changed my life, because my life is changing all around me with or without this yoga, but it definitely centered me and helped me through what was a really tough week. Plus, my body feels AWESOME. And my breathing, which good teachers will stress is the yoga, is better than ever.

I particularly found out how much better my breathing had become when I returned to a hot yoga class today and was never dying for breath. For anyone who has done Bikram before, you know that this is nothing short of miraculous! It’s also incredibly calming, though it seems impossible before you just do it.

I have always advocated yoga, but I’ve never called myself a yogi(ni?), never thought I’d commit to going more than two or three times a week. I loved the gym too much to give up gym time for yoga time. But now my priorities have shifted I think, as I move into a transitional period in my life. I need the calm of yoga as much as I need the power of the barbell.

I really want to attend Ashley’s retreat in Cali in a few weeks … can you imagine how restorative the beach AND yoga would be for me??? 😉

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