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Happy: Movement to Empower 1 Million Kids

I got an email the other day that read: “Kids are learning their ABCs and 123s, but they aren’t learning the one thing that has the greatest impact on their happiness, confidence, and success in life—it’s their mindset.” You know, it’s not just a kid issue—after all, that sounds a lot like the premise around—but kids who start with positive thinking are certainly going to be better at it as adults.

Austin-based Adventures in Wisdom is a life coaching program for mentoring kids that uses short stories and activities to teach children ages 6-12 how to develop a mindset for powerful self-esteem and self-confidence; achieve their goals; handle challenges such as fear, failure, and peer pressure; and create happy fulfilling lives.

Renaye Thornborrow, founder of the Empower 1 Million Kids movement, says, “The good news is that mindset skills can be developed and we want to help start the conversation by encouraging parents and mentors to take just 10 minutes a week, over the next three weeks, to share a fun short story with the kids in their lives. The stories are free but the skills are priceless.”

During the first week, kids (and adults!) learn about “self-talk” and how to use this skill to create powerful self-confidence and self esteem.  During the second week, they learn about “power shifting” and how to use it to create happiness in their lives and to feel empowered when things don’t go their way. And during the third week they learn about the power of “visualization” and how to use it to “train their brain” to achieve their goals.

Get the free curriculum and stories at Every little step towards happier, healthier people is a giant step for society as a whole!

Happy: is a new category of posts for this is life in austin & aspen. As I’ve developed, which I encourage you all to visit daily, I’ve come across mountains of research, blog posts, articles, supportive pictures, and so on that can help lead to happiness but are not “filed” under that category. Here, I’ll react and discuss these gems, as well as talk more about my own experiences with the lessons presented.

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