you are my celebrity

Category: training


6am: Back Squat (all light green banded except *) 10@50% = 60kg (132#) 8@60% = 70kg /(154#) 6@70% = 81kg (178#) 4@80% = 93kg (205#) 2@90% = 105kg (231#)* 4@85% = 98kg (216#)* 6@75% = 87kg (191#) 5x 2 minute AMRAP 1 minute Rest between rounds = 101 reps Complete 200 m row then max reps of……


A. Take 15 minutes to build to today’s heavy Push Press = 60kg (132#) 65Fail Followed immediately by… Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes: Split Jerk x 1 rep @ today’s heaviest push press (work on perfect mechanics, and add a 1-2 second hold at the receiving position of the jerk before recovering…


5:30pm: 15 minutes work up to a heavy 3rm (drop after each rep) Deadlift = 60/80/100/120/125kg (275#) “Annie” = 7:16 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders Sit ups


6am: Push Press- Spend 10 minutes build to heavy 2RM = 57kg (126#)* 800m run (3:23) 5 rounds 15 KBS (American) yellow (24kg?) 12 Burpees 9 HSPU (pike modification) = 15:41 *felt really … off. 🙁 hammy is sore but felt great during the run—wasn’t pushing it, but was going fast enough


6am: EMOM 12 minutes 3 Back Squats @ 80% = 93kg (205#) Warm up- 10/50% (50kg, 110#) 6/65% (75kg, 165#) 4/75% (87kg, 192#) AMRAP 12 minutes = 6+4 8 Supinated Ring Pull Ups/Chin ups (alternate between Rings and Chin ups, every round) 8 HR Push Ups 8 Wall Balls (14#)


7am: 1.5 hours beach vb lesson (skills + drills)* 1pm: A. = 75kg … 165#, a 10 pound PR!!!  Take 15 minutes to build to today’s heavy Power Jerk B. = 10:01 For time: 25 Shoulder to Overhead (75#) 5 Muscle-Ups SUB ring dips + c2b pullups 20 Shoulder to Overhead 4 Muscle-Ups SUB 15…