you are my celebrity

The Master Cleanse

Along with three friends, I am embarking on the Master Cleanse. While this doesn’t necessarily have to do with life in Austin, I don’t think I’d ever make this decision if I weren’t here. When I moved back home to Austin after I graduated college, within a year I was almost vegetarian (eating only free-range meat and chicken), shopping at Wheatsville, feeding my dog all-natural dog food, doing a different cleanse (one that allowed only fruits and veggies, and provided a bunch of supplements to take), seeing an acupuncturist as my primary care physician, and practicing yoga. I grew up in Austin and was never this much of a hippie. What had the city done to me?!

So when a friend asked if I’d like to take on the Master Cleanse, a 10-day cleanse of the system where you drink a lemonade concoction, perform a saltwater flush, and drink laxative tea, I was totally in. And I blame that on Austin.

I’m thrilled about it, truthfully. For me, I think it will have as many psychological benefits as it does physical/health benefits. Learning to forgo cravings and alleviate a dependence on food will certainly be interesting, as will seeing the impact not eating has on my social life. Geez, what will I even blog about?!

I’ll keep you posted on my experience (overall, not in detail, plenty of those graphic blogs are available on the web), and if you’re curious, here are a few good resources: – the actual book – one guy’s summary/blog a lot of helpful information, but be aware that the guy who made it is trying to sell his book. But the 5 symptoms of detox, the FAQ, and the most common mistakes are pretty helpful. The message boards are also interesting, but I wouldn’t let them sway or scare you. – all about the benefits of cayenne pepper, not just for the Master Cleanse but for life!

… thanks to my friend Lisa for some of these links, she’s our Master Cleanse pro in this adventure!

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