you are my celebrity

Feel Good Friday 012315 | Puppy Love

IMG_8381.JPGThis Friday, I feel grateful for Denali. You knew that was coming. But lately I’ve had this irrational fear that she’s going to die and LEAVE ME and I COULDN’T POSSIBLY HANDLE THAT. This dawg has been with me through 10 homes in 3 states in the past 8 years. She’s been through hot Texas summers, snowy Aspen winters, and brought at least half of the Pacific Ocean’s sand back into my house in California. She has her own hashtag #itsatoughlifebeingadawg (which she will gladly share) and her own column on—Advice from a Daaaawg.

IMG_8021.JPGNali / Nals / Nalis has taught me a lot about unconditional love (RAW CHICKEN IN MY BED), dealing with sadness (just being there is enough), taking action (walking, always with the walking!), and just being who you are. Fundamentally, a dog can do nothing but be who they are. You train them, you teach them tricks, you discipline them—but ultimately, their personalities always shine through. Humans are the same. There’s no reason to expect someone to be anything besides who they are.IMG_8371.JPG

Best of all, dawgs are just really, really great for entertainment value.

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list keying in on one thing each week I’m incredibly grateful for, including a list where necessary. Join me and leave anything you are grateful for in the comments. Click here for last week’s gratitude post.

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