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Tag: workouts

COVID Checklist Week 10

I don’t even know. Week 9. Week 8. Week 7. Week 6. Week 5 here. Week 4 here. Week 3’s here. Week 2’s here. There is no Week 1 because we didn’t know back then. Workouts I finally tried The Class, which is therapy in the guise of calisthenics, and I kind of hated it but loved it at the same time.…

4 Years, 4 Ways: Hammy Rehab

Some of y’all may remember when I tore my hamstring and all the emotional analysis that went with it. Well, for whatever reason, it’s resurfaced (physically, because lots of yoga, emotionally, because I have no idea). But the good news is that I have some great resources for torn hamstring, crazy-scar-tissue-in-the-high-hamstring rehab, even if it’s…

Hardest Classes in OC

I had SO much fun “researching” the hardest workout classes in Orange County. Y’all know I love to lift hard and heavy, do yoga, and play lots of sports, so trying more classes definitely got me out of my routine. Trouble is, I want to figure out how to add them all INTO my routine!…

Free Workouts in the pv.body 30 Day Challenge

Y’all already know I freakin’ LOVE pv.body, the subscription service that mails you surprise workout clothes every month. It’s great quality gear that motivates you to MOVE! As an update, I’ve also exchanged an item and was pleased with the ease of the process. You also know I’m a huge advocate of fitting exercise in…


CrossFit Workout: 100 Thrusters for Time. Maximum pain in the minimum amount of time. Me: 12:10 at 75#, the soreness kicked in before the reps were even done. The personal trainer next to me watched me complete my reps and said, “I wanna be like you when I grow up.” He’s older than me. Today,…

Austin: My Ambitious Austin Weekend

Waaaaaay back in 2009, I wrote a post called Top Ten Things to Do in Austin … the list still stands as an excellent guide, but as I spend a wedding long weekend in town with locals and not, I thought I’d make a list of things I want to do this weekend. To be clear, this…

Spring cleaning

I wish I was talking about power cleaning, but I still haven’t found a new gym home … Nope, instead, a DailyHap-inspired mental spring cleaning about my athletic identity. I mentioned in my last post that I’ve always been an athlete (which isn’t true, as I didn’t really become an athlete until late junior high…


CrossFit Central coach and all-around awesome dude Travis Holley has embarked on a year-long project called 365 Days of Strength. Travis shares his infinite knowledge and legit strength WODs on his blog (click here). His words: The purpose of this project is to provide you all with a unique perspective into all things STRENGTH!   I…

Thank Yourself

Yoga wisdom from today: after class, notice how you feel. You created that with your hard work. Thank yourself for creating that feeling. This can be applied to anything. Any hard workout, task you didn’t want to complete, hard thing you’ve done: YOU did it. You created the result. Thank Yourself.

I am that blogger

You know, the one that’s about to apologize for not blogging. Last weekend, I went to the BlogHer conference in San Diego, where I could NOT get enough of the ocean. The smell, the sand, the salt, the sounds … I love love love the beach. I did yoga once, worked out once, played football…