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Tag: ute

Ute (Oooooh-tay)

Ute has easily been my favorite go-to hike this summer and fall. It’s just so convenient, quick, and rewarding. Nali and I sprinted in intervals up it today, over a yellow brick road of fallen aspen leaves, collapsing on the rock at the top. Amazing. this view, about 2/3 of the way up, is one…

Aspen: Summer Hiking

Last summer, I was coaching boot camp and using the abundant hiking trails in Aspen as training tools. The hiking in Aspen is absolutely incredible, but what’s even more incredible is the fact that we don’t even have to get in a car to embark on some great hikes. Here’s a rundown of five hikes…

Feel Good Friday 051112

Feel Good Friday is a roundup of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! Two Ute hikes (one at sunset!) in four days … one of my Aspen faves. View from the top: Biking with Nali every morning…

Aspen: Ute City Bar & Grill

With my parents in town for just two nights, we decided to hit the town one night and cook one night. On our night-on-the-town, we debated heartily before settling on Ute City Bar & Grill because its menu looked good, it was expensive but not outrageous, and its location is on that strip of see-and-be-seen…