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Tag: The W Austin

New Summer Drink Coco Breve

You know how when you’re floating the river, nothing tastes better than Keystone? But if you’re anywhere else, nothing tastes worse? Coco Brevé will likely taste better than Keystone on the river—although I did not test this assertion. This is no small feat. Because literally nothing tastes better. But the coconut water bevvie’s bubbles and alcohol…

Spicy Summer Cocktails

No, I haven’t already this summer gone through an entire handle of tequila infused with jalapenos for making spicy ‘ritas—yet! I have been brining the heat to Aspen, so to speak (we’re experiencing a way-early summer anyway regardless of my cocktail-making), but I’m always looking for more spicy-delicious cocktails. Just in time for Memorial Day,…

Happy Father’s Day!

My dad is awesome. This is him with Denali, when she was just a puppy. He is funny. My family isn’t really a brunching family, except when it comes to people’s birthdays, holidays, or relatives in town … erm, so maybe we are? Dad loves Waterloo Icehouse’s brunch, but then again, he’s never tried TRACE…