you are my celebrity

Tag: test

Analyze This: Twitter Edition

According to AnalyzeWords‘ sweet website, here’s my personality based on the last 636 words I tweeted: Spacy/Valley Girl High?! ME?! DON’T THEY UNDERSTAND SARCASM? Ha, while they’re at understanding sarcasm they should also learn to spell spacey. Technically “spacy” is correct, but who spells it like that?! PS, dictionary defn: 1. Stupefied or disoriented from…

More free cupcakes! UPDATE: not free

We know I’m not a huge Hey! Cupcake fan–not that I hate them, I just don’t think they’re the best–but we also know that I AM a huge FREE cupcake fan. So how could I let you miss out on the Hey! Cupcake North Grander Opening (since it’s been open for a bit now) party…