you are my celebrity

Tag: supps


Sometimes eating food at work at my desk send my stomach into a Nickelodeon GUTS-esque belly adventure. Am I going to have bathroom runs all afternoon? Hold in some gas and get bloated? I’ve been pounding kombuchas for months and popping probiotics and it helps but hasn’t altogether alleviated the belly pain. When a new…

Around the Fitness Horn: Naked Celebs?

Urgent Goal = Success (or why Anna Paquin is so hot–because she’s naked on True Blood all the time). What is my urgent goal? More to come on that. “It takes no talent to be in shape.” Read more football/life advice here. Fitness Is … yep, this is why we all do this This makes…

Fructose?! Maltodextrin?!

Suppdate: what the hell?! The Cleanse I committed to includes Fiber Drink, Cleanse Supps, Probiotics, and Omegaplex, followed by MNS-3, all by Advocare. I’m ready to take my Fiber Drink yesterday morning to start off The Cleanse. This is what it says on the website: Fiber Drink / #W4062 / Price: $17.50 Available in Citrus…