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Tag: suit

Getchya Guerilla Suit

As we all “get back to business” now that SXSW is over (phew … I spent most of Sunday on my couch watching Center Stage 2: Turn it Up), there’s a really cool opportunity for someone really getting back to business: earlier this month, agency vets James Moody and Kevin Whitley announced the creation of…

How to Buy a Man’s Suit

I don’t post so much on men’s fashion because it’s sort of boring. And the Vermonster is frankly uninterested. My brother still wears his Ghanaan caftan thing on stage when he performs. My dad tries, but loves puffy vests more than stylin’ suits. So when I found a fantastic guide to buying a super-hot men’s…

Settlement Home Garage Sale

Tonight we went to the preview party of the Settlement Home Garage Sale. My parents have been going for something ridiculous like 18 years, my brother and I have been going for at least six. This year, we brought friends and everyone scored some awesome deals. The bro and I bought five dining room chairs…