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Tag: stretching

Russian Baby Makers

At least half of the reason I go to yoga is to do hip stretches (and work out the IT Band kinks). If I don’t have time to yoga, I will almost always do bound side angle, dragon, and pigeon after working out to keep myself limber (occasionally, if no one is around, and it’s…

Fix Your IT Band

I recently learned that the pain I’ve been having in my left knee (the one with the golf-ball sized bone spur from Oshgoodslaughter disease) is nothing more than a tight IT band. Well … “nothing more” might be an understatement … thankfully, here’s how to fix it. The great news? I’m already yoga-ing and close-squatting…

Airplane WOD!

I’m traveling today, back to the A for ACL and a lil face time, and you better believe I’ll be doing my mobility WOD on the plane! Another thing he mentions here that I find absolutely crucial to travel (since I fly at least 4 flights a month these days) is drinking water. Not…