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Tag: statesman

SXSW 2009: Monday’s schedule

Here’s your can’t-miss sched, and luckily for all the worker bees, nothing on this one starts ’til 5:30. So you can punch the clock AND party like it’s SXSW 2009 all in one day. 5:30pm – If you were lucky enough to score an invite to the Statesman’s food bloggers party, do it. Whole Foods.…

Brrrrr! Let Thursday Events Warm You Up!

As usual, Thursday night is busy this time of year! A smattering of the offerings: Do512 Holiday Campfire ‘Tis the season for holiday festivities, and Do512 is lighting up the campfire to roast marshmallows and enjoy private performances by The Lemurs and Via Audio. There will be s’mores, eggnog, and plenty of adult beverages. It’s…

Twin Liquors jumps on the Spec’s/Grapevine Bandwagon

Which isn’t a bad thing. Turn shopping for liquor/beer/wine into shopping for the aforementioned plus cheese/crackers/gourmet food/chocolate and you’ve got yourself a whole afternoon–especially if it’s Friday and samples abound (hi, me, tipsy at Spec’s). The new 15,000 square foot Twin Liquors Marketplace will be in the Hancock Center, just ripe for UT students. The…

Glossy 8 Party

The Statesman’s style writers are all abuzz about the Glossy 8 party tonight. I’m hoping that means plans are huge and it should be awesome! It’s the first time since I’ve been tracking down Austin events (about 2 years now) that I’ve heard about the Statesman throwing a party, so maybe that’s the buzz. Whatever…

ACL … I can’t handle it

I just can’t handle ACL. I went all out last year–open to close, all three days, media tent, afterparties and aftershows–and I think I just burned myself right out. Instead, I will be walking myself to tailgating and the UT game. Trying to drive or cab anywhere south of Enfield this weekend is going to…

I’m Off To Ecuador!

Tomorrow morning bright and early I’m headed to the airport to fly to Ecuador! I’m meeting my brother, who is already down there, for 8 days of adventures with volcanoes, hiking, and surfing. I can’t wait! Of course, I won’t be blogging because I have limited access to the internet. I’ve posted a few entries…