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Tag: starbucks

Shopping Research List: Starbucks Cups

This is easily one of the most embarrassing posts I’ve ever contemplated writing. I’m brazenly revealing the extent of my basicness–loving rosé (CH just released another new one btw icantwaittotryitomgiwantitnow) was just the beginning. For some unnamed reason, starbucks is stopping their e-commerce, so some of their cups are up to 50% off. Starbucks cups…

Starbucks + Opportunity Finance Network

I recently participated in a conference call with BlogHer, Starbucks Chairman and CEO Howard Schultz, and Starbucks Global Chief Marketing Officer Annie Young-Scrivner about their new Create Jobs for USA initiative that launched yesterday. You buy this (very cute) wristband for $5 and it’s all donated to a fund at the Opportunity Finance Network for capital grants to local…

Snow Pea Bento Box

I had a lovely day in my Brykerwoods neighborhood! I woke up and took a nice little jaunt with the pup to the Starbucks inside the Randall’s, where I bought a Venti Soymilk Sugar Free Cinnamon Dolce Latte (yes, I’m a pain) to enjoy while I worked on some articles. A few hours later, I…

Nike Human Race

The Nike Human Race has gotten a lot of coverage, especially locally because Austin is one of just five North American cities and one of 25 cities across the globe to host one. Nike expects 1 million runners to participate in this worldwide 10K on August 31. I signed up today–I’ll be one of those…