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Tag: soccer

Sports Changed My Life: In Support of Women’s Soccer

… and they continue to change the lives of women around the world. Sports are empowering in a way that nothing else is—teaching strength (physical and mental), resilience, determination, teamwork, camaraderie, and more. Which is why I believe this is good for women, and sports: Earlier today, five members of the US women’s national soccer…

Aspen: Soccer Spectating

I’ve been playing a lot of soccer out in Aspen, apparently it’s all anyone does in the summer. And I’m actually getting kind of good! That might be an overstatement. I’m getting decent, like where people might actually pass me the ball and not expect an immediate turnover. Nali, however, thinks I’m fantastic.

Aspen: Top Ten Things Newbies Should Know

I should know, since I am a newbie. Top ten things I didn’t get until I moved to Aspen: 1. There are no weekends. Any given night could be a party. 2. There are two offseasons: May and October. At least half of the restaurants and businesses will be closed at least half of the…

Battle Wounds

What is it about a bruise, or ripped hands, or a gnarly gash from an olympic bar or a slide in soccer that makes us so proud? If we didn’t actually “hurt” ourselves (spraining an ankle, breaking a finger), we’re proud of the minor injuries. This isn’t just CrossFitters or hardcore athletes, it’s anyone. It’s…


Holy soccer, batman. Besides dabbling in intramural soccer on a grassy field not regulation size, I haven’t played soccer since I was 4. And I hated it. (I also hated my bowl hair cut, but I could only get out of one) Chase after the ball? Please, it should come to me. I digress. Point…