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Tag: snatch

Off-Balance Snatch Balance

So apparently I’ve never snatch-balanced before. Yesterday’s .com workout was 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 snatch balance and I thought, oh yay! a skill we hardly ever work on! Um. Make the “never” not “ever” for me. After a light warmup, I loaded up 105#, thinking it was a great starting place before my “work” reps. Ha. Good one,…

Hey, can we snatch with you?

I’m at the gym tonight working on a 1 rep snatch max so I can partake in a fun CrossFit Austin workout (which, it turns out, I later mangled anyway). A few guys are also in there working out, and they’re not slouches–one of them is doing almost-handstand-pushups suspended from the TRX (the point? not…

Olympic Weightlifting with Chad & Christi

Last week, I got to attend a Chad Vaughn weightlifting class at Crossfit Austin. Here’s his bio: Chad Vaughn is a renowned Olympic Weightlifter. He is a 2-time Olympian, 6-time National Champion, and the American Record Holder in the Clean and Jerk. Chad has been involved in CrossFit for the past year, and is CrossFit…

Ooops, I was on vacation…

… and forgot to blog! The Games were happenin’ and I was watching my buddies compete (y’all are badasses!!) and I had access to a gym so I was rocking some barbell workouts and playing some sand volleyball with my fam. Workouts: 7/16: CrossFit Football Snatch Workout (modified): Complete 8 rounds: 2 Power Snatches 4…

Snatch Max

Big Mike, who is virtually coaching me while I’m gone, sent me the following combo .com WOD (a combo of Saturday + Sunday’s): 10 min time limit, 1 Rep max Snatch Max: 92 lbs amrap in 8 min 4 HSPU (green bands) 8 KB Swings (20 kg) 12 GHD Situps (regular situps) Score: 5 rounds…