you are my celebrity

Tag: singer

Tuesday: Fun, Sexy, Strappy

It’s almost like the commercials for My Bloody Valentine (The Perfect date movie: fun, sex, terror), minus any terror. Collectic Home is hosting an art unveiling tomorrow night, so check it out if you’re into that sort of thing (details after I marvel over Aces Lounge’s new offerings below) … So who knew Aces Lounge…

Wednesday Events: Kirk Gallery, Greg Vendetti

The new Second Street store (albeit on the OTHER side … that is, other side of the site of the W) known for mod homewares is hosting its first annual Holiday Party. Party favors include bevvies–Scotch and champagne–and a giveaway of any product in the store under $250, winner’s choice. Don’t miss it! 6-8pm, Kirk,…

Britney Is Back. In Houston. And Dallas.

I feel like I’m an open book, but sometimes people say things like, “I NEVER would have guessed [x] about you!” That I LOVE BRITNEY SPEARS is one of those things. People, I stood by her when she popped out two kids, married K-Fed (I even LIKED K-Fed!), shaved her head, hit a papazo (isn’t…