you are my celebrity

Tag: shorts


As we all know, I’m on a constant quest to find comfy shorts that photograph well for playing beach football. These are my current faves, but there’s a new short in town. GRACEDBYGRIT is a new company that just launched late last year, but already has tons of celeb fans—so like a good little faux…

Mesh. Gets Me Every Time.

Maybe it’s the years of basketball indelibly searing a love of mesh into my soul, maybe it’s the sexy factor of skin + air, maybe it’s the contrast—or confluence—of sport and fashion, but I freakin’ love mesh. I love it in athletic clothes, in casual clothes, in fancy clothes. I love it in small patterns…

Lights. Camera. Action this weekend!

For more films-for-a-cause action, check out Lights. Camera. Help. this weekend, the three-day non-profit festival I wrote about here. It brings attention to the films-for-a-cause genre by showcasing the best PSAs, shorts and feature-length films that nonprofits use to help them spread the word about their cause. The top 20 films and videos out 140…

Now, a Diatribe on White Pants*

*And other fashiony things I need to get off my chest It’s really hot in Austin, I know. A “cold front” came through tonight and we all got excited because it dropped to 80, but by the time I’m walking around downtown at noon tomorrow, it’ll be 1,956 degrees again and I’ll be sweating through…