you are my celebrity

Tag: sexy

Boys Cutting Girls’ Hair [UPDATED]

This post was originally meant to be about DeVille at Bella Salon, but it turned bigger than that. Sorry bud. No offense to the ladies, but I’m probably getting my hair cut by men from now on. They don’t even have to be gay. First it was visiting badass Vinnie of Proper Barbers LA, my “brother”…

Tuesday: Fun, Sexy, Strappy

It’s almost like the commercials for My Bloody Valentine (The Perfect date movie: fun, sex, terror), minus any terror. Collectic Home is hosting an art unveiling tomorrow night, so check it out if you’re into that sort of thing (details after I marvel over Aces Lounge’s new offerings below) … So who knew Aces Lounge…

I’m a Halloweenie

Last year I couldn’t think of anything clever enough, so for Halloween I went as my dog. She’s white with a huge black spot on her eye, so I wore all white, painted a huge black spot on my eye, and wore her collar and leash around my neck (at least people got a kick…