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Tag: Saturday

Austin: Taste North Austin at the Domain

Taste North Austin is an all-day family event Saturday from 11am to 5pm in the original Domain. The Domain will also host a post-party from 5-7pm in the new-ish Domain II with desserts, drinks, and music by T Bird and the Breaks. To sample bites from all the restaurants, you buy a $20 tasting wristband…

Saturday Adventures

Things to do this Saturday: 7p: ENDLESS BEAUTY LAUNCH PARTY DUH. But during the day, try your hand at one of these adventures: Noon-4p: A Scavenger Hunt Like No Other! at Highland Lanes The Citywide Scavenger Hunt is a hunt unlike any other! Included in the contest are mini-games that award their own prizes as…

Rock ‘n’ Swap

When I was in middle school, I organized a clothing swap for three friends and myself. Unfortunately, I was a rad 5’9″ in 8th grade, and the rest of the girls, well, weren’t. So they might have scored some sweet new threads for free, but I don’t remember any great takeaways. However, this has not…

Home Slice Carnival-O-Pizza

I may not personally be a huge fan of Home Slice, but there’s no denying its spot in Austin’s iconic culture. Hell, there’s even a Year of Pizza blog from a dude who won one of these free food for a year! contests and will not shut up about how much he loves Home Slice.…

Halloween Haunts: Where to Get Your Spook On

I’ve been remiss in not posting Halloween to-dos sooner, but Halloween, like other big holidays, just wears me out sometimes. I LOVE LOVE LOVE costumes, but I like themes. I like to get creative on a theme, not just have the whole wide world as possibilities–it’s just too much. Anyway, here are some Halloween haunts…

So much free CrossFit!

Many of you have written in asking for info on the next free CrossFit workouts, so behold–three of ’em this weekend: UTB (Under the Bridge): Free Community Workout Saturday, May 30th 8:30am – 9:30am @ Town Lake, under the bridge, on the Hike & Bike Trail This workout is similar to a CrossFit Central boot…