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Tag: rip

SicFit!! Round 2: The Tale of Ripped Hands

I’ve railed against and railed against and railed against ripping your hands just to do pullups. It’s an injury, it’s not worth it, and it puts you out of commission for days. BUT today I ripped. And not just a little. Anywhere I didn’t tape, I ripped. I stopped every time I felt a blister…

Primo Chalk!

Austinite CrossFitter and Olympic lifter Jeremy Brooks has created a new kind of chalk called PrimoChalk. As someone who constantly battles ripped hands, I am intrigued … especially because I am still a girl and I like things that say they contain essential oils. They say: “In PrimoChalk™ we’ve combined quality magnesium carbonate with a…

Pullups and Deadlifts

After a weekend off of CrossFit in which I did some 1-ton truck pushing, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, and ate and drank copious amounts (thanks to Soon-to-Be-CrossFit-Guy‘s appearance), I was stoked to get back into the gym. The workout: Warmup: 500 M row, 30 squats, 30 pushups, 30 abmat situps, 30 good morning stretches, 15…