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Tag: power clean

South Central Regionals Envy

All my friends are here. I’m having a great time at Food & Wine in Aspen, so I’m not exactly complaining, just having a little Regionals envy. There’s nothing more fun than cheering your friends on with more of your friends. I’m watching twitter and the games site lookin’ for updates on my fave people.…

New Power Clean Max + Tabata

Today’s WOD was a Roaring Fork CrossFit mod on .com’s Tabata this, subbing kettlebell swings for the rowing (probably due to # of rowers). Warmup: 15 minutes of free gym! I worked on two weaknesses: double-unders and overhead squats Pre-WOD: Power Clean Max 3-2-2-1-1 115-125-135-145-155FAIL NEW Power Clean PR: 145 (previous was 145 squat clean,…