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Tag: Polish

Spring Nails—But You Can Start Now

New York Fashion Week Spring 2013 revealed some way-fun new nail trends, and I was super excited to try one: butter London’s Matte Finish Shine-Free Topcoat. I did this: –> using this:  (the greens aren’t that different, it’s the flash. but the shiny-ness is VERY different!) I was so pleased with the matte effect! It’s amazing,…

Glitter French Manicure

I’ve pinned it, tweeted it, and now am blogging it. I am officially obsessed with the glitter french manicure. It’s Rich Bitch nails with an edge—what’s not to love? PritiNYC Polish in Coronation + SoEasy Stripe Rite in Silver Glitter … hot. May also try again with thicker tips, perhaps a slow fade of glitter?

Legally Blonde + Four Seasons = Perfect Match

Elle Woods wouldn’t want it any other way: In honor of the UT Performing Arts Center’s presentation of Legally Blonde starting tonight and running through Sunday (Feb 3-8), The Spa at Four Seasons is offering a Legally Blonde and Beautiful package.  The package includes an essential manicure or pedicure, a glass of pink champagne, and…

Beer Die

Not as deadly as it look, beer die is actually a drinking game played with a die. The rules from vary a little bit from the way my friends played on Sunday night (Monday was Memorial Day, after all), but the principle is the same. Warning: they say it’s a man’s game, and while…

Polish Horseshoes

While camping this past weekend, a friend from Vermont introduced us to a game he calls Polish Horseshoes. A google search revealed that “polish horseshoes” apparently has something to do with washers … which are cool and all, but not an awesome new game I wanted to share with y’all. For lack of a better…