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Tag: Paleo diet

“I eat better than you.”

Awesome conversation overheard today after yoga: Woman 1: “You have the most amazing back, what do you do?” Amazing Back Woman: “This [yoga] and my diet.” Woman 1: “What? I guarantee I eat better than you.” Amazing Back Woman: “Nope, it’s all in the diet.” Woman 1: “I eat better than you. You eat meat.”…

Reading List

Books I think you should read, then decide on your own how you feel about diet and nutrition: Books my friends are reading that I want to read: Want to buy these books? They’re all in my aStore from Amazon.

Book Review: The Paleo Solution

I just finished reading The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet by Robb Wolf. As I expected, it’s quite good as an excellent primer to paleo. When I first started eating paleo, I saw a lot of the “success stories” and understood that eating paleo is generally healthy, but no one could ever explain to…